Our communities are ready to imagine a brighter future. A future where anchor institutions – health care, educational, and public institutions with long-term investments in local economies – source solutions from their communities. Solutions that build communities resilient to global crisis and climate change. Solutions that restore shared prosperity and well-being to all.
Anchors in Resilient Communities (ARC) is a multi-stakeholder equitable collaboration between anchor institutions and their community partners working together to leverage the purchasing and investment power of anchor institutions to bolster the communities they serve. Want to see how ARC supports the health, wealth, and climate resilience of low-income communities? Learn about future sites and our work in the East Bay of California.

How We Work

Anchor Transformation
The strength of ARC lies in partnership. We are skilled practitioners that help anchor institutions improve their surrounding communities, particularly those facing the most significant inequities.
Regional Projects
We identify, vet, and support transformative projects that build upon the unique assets and needs of a region.

Systems Change
The consistent, transparent relationships we foster between anchors and community shift procurement and investment processes over time. Ultimately, this trust and relationship building develops resilience and long-term health in our communities.